
Cadet Dress and Badge Placements

A comprehensive and updated Cadet Dress Instructions pdf is now available. Please ensure you are familiar with the entire document.

New Recruits

New recruits are expected to wear a white buttoned dress shirt with plain black tie and black pants (no jeans) and black shoes. Their shirts are to be worn tucked in, and pant legs free-flowing and not tucked into socks.  See the example on the left hand-side.

Returning Cadets

It is your responsibility to ensure your uniform is up to standard. If you have questions/concerns or wish to order replacement parts, speak to the Supply NCO in your flight. 

List of Uniform Items

Every cadet should have the following:

Subject to availability:

For Retiring/Graduating Cadets

Cadet clothing remains the property of the Department of National Defence. It is mandatory for all retired/graduated cadets, and cadets who are no longer in the Cadet program to return all uniform parts to the Squadron within thirty (30) days of his/her leaving the Squadron; and to pay for any uniforms, uniform parts, or equipment lost or damaged by the cadet.